
Our Values

We build services to adapt you, whether you're a person or business. look around and see what suits you

Global leader of Arbitrage Trading

The most trusted, licensed investment solution for millions of users from over 32 countries

Availprofits Investments is licensed, bonded and regularly audited. Government agencies perform regular audits of independently licensed escrow companies. The audit examinations serve to protect public funds, determine safety and soundness of operations and determine compliance with trading statutes and regulations.

Availprofits Investments is fully legit and officially registered company whose activities are regulated by the financial control authorities under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. Accepting our terms of cooperation, you can be absolutely sure of getting a guaranteed profit and full return on your investment.


Mobile App

Stay on top of the markets while you trade crypto on the go! The Availprofits app puts the industry's best crypto exchange and wallet in your hands.


Instant Payments

Exchange your currency for crypto and vice versa on Availprofits and make happy profits instantly.


DDOS Security

Dedicated to maintaining the highest security standards, we’re committed to keeping your account safe, so we offer robust security tools and store the vast majority of the digital assets in secure offline storage.


Credit Card Use

Availprofits's credit card service allows you to transport the value for your crypto trading from your wallet to your local account seamlessly.


ISO 27001:2013 Compliant

Impeccable risk assessment, data protection, and state-of-the-art cybersecurity


Multi-currency Wallet

We extend our flexibility into your wallet, giving you access to store several currencies from which you can trade crypto from.


The #1 Inter-Exchange Arbitrage Trading Platform

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909 3rd Ave #10, New York, NY 10022, United States